Sunday, August 24, 2008
BoSacks Readers Speak Out: Newsstands, Editors and Circ
Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric."
Bertrand Russell (English Logician and Philosopher 1872-1970)
Re: Bo-Vent - Today, I Only Have Questions
Bob, I have done some work in the UK newsstand market and over 30 years in the North American market. One difference I have always noted, which may be part of the answer to one of your questions; the retailers in the UK care about selling magazines and newspapers. It is their livelihood. If a title is low in stock, they call up and re-order. How many supermarket, drug store, or discount store managers or their employees actually care about the magazine category? How many have any clue about what magazines are selling in their stores and in what quantities? Many category buyers don't even seem to care except when it comes time to place new checkouts and the IPO $$ signs ring in their heads. Yet magazines are always ranked high in profitability among all general merchandise categories. So why is there this disconnect both at the corporate and store levels? Unless this changes, we will never achieve the sames sales levels as our frineds across the pond.
(Submitted by a Single Copy Newsstand Mgr.)
Re: Bo-Vent - Today, I Only Have Questions
While this is only a part of the differences - they do distribute much differently. Most of the magazines distributed in Europe - including the subscription copies - are sent to the newsstand - this is due to the exorbitant EU postage rates.
(Submitted by a Senior Production Consultant)
Re: Bo-Vent - Today, I Only Have Questions
Hey Bo,Don't believe everything or probably anything you read about U.K. circulation. Cant speak for the rest of Europe
At the moment there is not a day goes by without industry closures being announced and staff cutbacks.
Within this economic cycle or credit crunch, call it what you like, the U.K. is probably lagging around 3 months behind the US.
So keep your eyes and ears opened close to the end of the year and see where Europe stands then.
Your paragraph about the business model can be partly explained by the difference in the distribution chain setup, the amount of magazine retailers and of course the amount of available titles. Then honesty creeps into the equation.
Moving on, text messaging is certainly playing a major part plus all the other distractions that we have provided the youth of today with in the name of progress, don't blame them, look to the future Bo in 10 years someone will have created a translator to turn all your writing over the years into text language so the kids can understand what it was you were on about.
(Submitted by a Publisher)
Re: Bo-Vent - Today, I Only Have Questions
The reason subscriptions are more expensive in Europe is that nobody subscribes. People get their magazines from the corner newsagent, shoved through the letter-slot once a week or once a month along with the newspapers; therefore the publishers cannot brag to their advertisers about how many subscribers they have, so there's no reason to sell subs cheaply.
All good newspapers in Europe are national papers, and a lot of papers and magazines have a stronger identity than in this country. The conservative mantra about the press being dominated by liberalism is hogwash; the trouble with most American newspapers is that they don't seem to believe in anything much, while in Britain if you buy the Guardian or the Telegraph you know exactly what you're getting. And looking after a newstand in this country I can tell you that the British mags, even UK editions of USA mags, are aiming higher than armchair pilots who watch too much television.
(Submitted by a Semi-retired writer in Iowa who lived in England for 25 years)
Re: Bo-Vent - Today, I Only Have Questions
OK, now we're up to three. I tell you, these questions are dog whistles for me.
I'd like to point out that there is text messaging in Europe and I recall reading that their wireless systems are more advanced than ours. So maybe it's our educational system or maybe it's the more than 30 years of relentless teacher and higher education bashing by our politicos. wev
Go to B&N or Borders and pick up the English and other foreign magazines. Lay them out next to some of their "sisters" or "brothers" from the big publishers.
There's your answer. Their stuff is good. Good editors. Good writing. Good content.
Our stuff. Looks good, mass produced, designed for the advertiser. Same for our newspapers.
(Submitted by a Vice President, Circulation)
Re: Kohl's, JCPenney Look to Reduce Print Advertising
Bo, while the free standing insert business may be an important revenue source for the struggling newspapers, there is a downside to these inserts as well. I've stopped buying the Providence Journal on Sunday, solely because the volume, weight, and inconvenience of all these extra, and by me unwanted, inserts. If I want something from Best Buy, or Home Depot, my first choice in today's world is via Google, where I have yet to be unable to purchase what I am looking for on line. Last week it was a porch swing; the local garden store had only two models, and was out of stock on the one I wanted. Back home, I found exactly what I wanted for 25% less, and shipping of only $10 from Illinois to the northeast. Why do I need freestanding newspaper inserts, especially when I have to DRIVE to get to the sales these inserts are promoting?
Submitted by a Senior Director of MFG and DST)
Re: Are Editors a Luxury that we can Do Without?
Hey Bo, I got a great idea! Let's get rid of the accountants and MBA's first. They're the ones who started this clusterf*ck in the first place!
And you know what? I've got a really cool 5 point plan to help us implement this new self contained-turnkey strategy that will help us prioritize our markets, increase our margins and make it possible to flip the company in three years while increasing our stock prices 23.267%! Let's meet at 10:00AM in the Grande(tm) Conference room and Charlie will show you the powerpoint.
What's that you say? Crappy content is crappy content? Who cares, we've got a 5 point plan! Each point has 5 sub points! It was written by our new Senior Strategic Coach Advisor! He used to work for Time/Warner but he recently became available to us. He's so cool! And he knows how to contain costs! I'll show you over dinner. We'll charge it to the company.
(Submitted by a VP of Circulation)
Re: Are Editors a Luxury that we can Do Without?
bob, everyone except God needs an editor . . .
(Submitted by a Senior Publisher)
RE: Is this the dumbest generation EVER?
I don't buy into the overly simplistic and self-congratulatory notion of all younger people are idiots compared to ourselves. I have teenagers at home. Some of the classes they and their friends have taken and will take in high school are: calculus; advanced calculus; post modernist literature (including reading maybe five novels in one semester); advanced placement
American history, including the need to marshal extensive outside reading to support daily written compositions; levels of French and Spanish that require semi-fluent levels of conversation during classes; physics, chemistry, and biology; environmental sciences; "advanced" humanities, which is a synthesis of literature, art, sociology, psychology, and a number of other studies; and all that is on top of most of them working *and* playing
sports *and* taking part in other extra curricular activities. They regularly discuss and debate current events and, unlike many of their elders, at least try to do something about them. And this is the generation that people, who find it fashionable to be unable to do something as simple
as following directions to set the time on a VCR or DVD player, dismiss as being intellectually unworthy?
(Submitted by a Writer)
RE: Where Publishers Are Thriving
Fascinating article on German publishing. It reminded me of a comment I heard a few years ago from a senior American publishing executive: "No German magazine publisher has ever successfully expanded into the U.S." As far as I know, he's right. It's a slightly different publishing environment . . . but different enough, apparently.
(Submitted by a Senior Publisher and BoSacks Cub Reporter)
RE: How Can We Cure the Ill's of the Single Copy Sales
It was fascinating in an aggravating sort of way to read Professor Husni's presumptuous thoughts on single copy sales. I have to say: circulation departments deserve a lot more credit than he's giving them, and I'll bet most publishers aren't quite as dumb as the article implies either. Professional circulators analyze reader acquisition costs in excruciating detail, with mountains of real-world data. No one can tell why a publisher picked a price, set a rate base, or chose a sales channel by looking at magazines on a newsstand . . . especially in today's incredibly complex and competitive marketplace. Since publications with good strategies will prosper and magazines with bad strategies won't, Husni's opinions are pretty much beside the point. The market will trump uninformed punditry every time.
(Submitted by a Senior Publisher and BoSacks Cub Reporter)
Re: Discovering Real Magazine Profit in Sustainability
While in substantial agreement with your part of this piece I do have one or two beefs with the EPA precepts, which I found fuzzy and incomplete.
1. environmental protection does not preclude economic development.
A major omission was made in failing to include the qualifier "necessarily," as in "environmental protection does not necessarily preclude economic development." When applied ideologically, religiously (as many greens do), or bureaucratically it can not only preclude development but cause regression in the standard of living.
2. economic development must be ecologically viable now and in the long run.
This makes sense. Of course, the rub is in how "ecologically viable" is defined but that's a much longer story. See point 1 comments for the short version.
The biggest flaw in the EPA precepts is their failure to complete the thought and add:
3. environmental protection must be economically viable now and in the long run.
This is the key to making sustainability work. It is prosperity that enables environmentalism. If people did not understand the story of the Chinese economy before the Olympics, one look at Beijing's air should tell the tale. If you don't have a job and can't feed your family you don't really care if the river is dirty or the air is gray. The needs of people must be met first.
(Submitted by a printer)
bosacks Readers,
Thursday, August 21, 2008
BoSacks Readers Speak Out: Finally Some Uplifting News
I was going to buy a copy of The Power of Positive Thinking, and then I thought: What the hell good would that do?
Ronnie Shakes
BoSacks Readers Speak Out: Finally Some Uplifting News
RE: BoSacks Speaks Out: Finally Some Uplifting News From BoSacks
For me, some of the news is a downer because many people do not read between the lines. Because many companies that I work with and for react to the news, instead of trying to understand it and then see what positives they can take out of it.
I see a lot of companies with their heads in the sand. Or, conversely, I see companies that are running around like Chicken Little declaring that the sky is falling.
It's not, but if you don't watch out, you'll trip and fall.
What I am doing today is remarkably different from what I did 5 or 10 or even 15 years ago. That excites the heck out me. I love the research capabilities that are available and I love being able to work the data to reveal proper interpretations. I love the presentation capabilities I have now.
On the other hand, the thing that I miss is the independent thought and engagement I used to have. I used to be able to sell. I used to be able to persuade. I used to be able to call on experienced people who looked at data and made an "educated' decision (sometimes the wrong one). I used to have long standing, long nurtured business relationships. Now I call on educated people who can't or won't make a decision because all of the decision making has been taken out of the process. There is no selling.
However, there are accountants and MBA's, but we've already talked about them.
(Submitted by a Vic e President, Circulation)
RE: BoSacks Speaks Out: Finally Some Uplifting News From BoSacks
Bo: I agree with your sentiments and as one who "publishes" a news briefing daily, I share your struggles to find positive news about our industry. My focus is on the paper industry, however, I also include news pertaining to the many end users of paper, print and packaging. Our industries will only prosper if the folks earning a living from them make the conscious decisions to be informed and to become part of the solution.
(Submitted by a Paper Person)
RE: BoSacks Speaks Out: Finally Some Uplifting News From BoSacks
Bob - you are reporting on the state of our industry and the tangential factors that impact it as well. For any subscriber to perceive your reporting as too much bad news, they are not looking at the information in an intelligent way, nor are they perceiving the value of the news that you report. I find the BoSacks reports to be vital to how I do business today and how I plan for tomorrow. Keep them coming Bob, don't let the "doom viewers" bring you down!!
(Submitted by a Senior Industry Consultant)
RE: BoSacks Speaks Out: Finally Some Uplifting News From BoSacks
Bob - Since you asked: Ten years ago I was blissfully enjoying being a print publisher. Five years ago I thought I knew how to cross the Web/print divide. Today I'm thrashing around, thinking 'Damn, I used to be good at this stuff. What happened?'
Today I'm finding the biggest challenges are not coming up with creative and interesting ideas for Web properties, but in getting consensus for these ideas among our staff and owners while trying to keep print revenues ahead of print expenses. Yikes.
Two or three years ago, I told you something like, 'At my age, I wish the Web had come along either 10 years earlier or 10 years later.' This is still true. A new Golden Age of publishing may be dawning, but so far it's mostly only from the consumer's perspective.
(Submitted by a Publisher)
RE: BoSacks Speaks Out: Finally Some Uplifting News From BoSacks
Keep preaching it! There has never been more opportunity in publishing than right now, it just won't be the publishing we have ever known, or can even understand at this point.
Thanks for the great stories!
(Submitted an Unknown)
RE: BoSacks Speaks Out: Finally Some Uplifting News From BoSacks
I don't know, Bob, I haven't heard any uplifting news of late.
In the beginning of this year, people in my industry (PR) were saying that they were knocking on wood because they weren't feeling that the recession was having an effect on their business. The theory was that clients wouldn't put their money in advertising because it was pretty much passé and ineffective, but PR was becoming more and more important, so business was good.
I wondered to myself how we were going to get the message out with all the "old media" dying off. We PR people do understand how to engage in two-way dialogues, so we grasp much better than people from the ad world how to work in the world of online social media. Social media are all very well and good, but they are not necessarily the right vehicle for every client. For example, I just don't think a mutual fund client would buy launching a new mutual fund via Facebook and Twitter - the client wants professional journalists to write about the new fund. By the same token, B2B tech clients need their trade magazines (whether online or in print) to get the word out to customers, but the trade media are going through just as tough a time as the consumer media.
I've heard younger PR people complaining that the job market is tightening up, too. It seems that out-of-work journalists are pouring into the PR profession, which they used to treat with the utmost scorn, and flooding PR agencies and headhunters with their resumes! There are many applicants going after the available jobs. At the same time, potential clients are also now hesitating about committing their budgets, and taking a wait-and-see attitude, so agencies aren't hiring the way they were a year ago.
All in all, it's not such a rosy picture as my colleagues were painting at the beginning of the year.
(submitted by a PR Person)
RE: BoSacks Speaks Out: Finally Some Uplifting News From BoSacks
A friend recently told me that the only way she likes her morning
coffee is with cream, sugar and Bosacks. She's right.
"Today, I Only Have Questions"
"The Unbearable Lightness of Art Supplies"
"Finally Some Uplifting News From BoSacks?"
Pass the biscuits.
(Submitted by a Publisher)
RE: BoSacks Speaks Out: Finally Some Uplifting News From BoSacks
Bo, It must be an age thing. I am in the production side of the business and I love it. I am having the time of my life envisioning my company's future and great world of communication we are creating, right here, right now. I have 12 years of publishing background and I love the digital directions we are bound for. You are correct what's not to like?
(Submitted by a Production Director)
RE: BoSacks Speaks Out: Finally Some Uplifting News From BoSacks
I think you're doing fine. I'm not interested in all the subjects you cover, but if people in these industries have their heads in a hole, they'll deserve to lose out. As a lifelong music freak and record collector, I can tell you that that industry is many times bigger than it was when I was a kid . . . . It took until 1947 for the record biz to sell as many units as it had in 1929, then it quadrupled during the 1950s, and now with downloading, digital copying etc it's in another crisis, but a lot of the music could disappear and nobody would miss it. Looking after a newsstand now, I can tell you that there are so many haircut mags, wedding mags, gun mags, car mags etc that there is bound to be a clearout with so much info available online. I am also the author of an A-Z reference book which once earned royalties, and is now on the Internet, the natural place for it. But books and magazines won't disappear. Ever.
(Submitted by a Semi-retired writer in Iowa)
RE: BoSacks Speaks Out: Finally Some Uplifting News From BoSacks
Hey-it is hard to find articles that are uplifting. I've been in the industry over 20 years and my life and job in production (manufacturing and operations - magazines) has changed DRASTICALLY. A few years ago when my division was sold twice, I started realizing production as I know was not going to take me to retirement. I recently went back to school and got a Masters in Health Administration - looking to leave publishing as soon as I can. But what I tell young people is IF they are interested in production, obviously they need to work for companies that have a big online component - and for people my age looking for that next production job - I ask WHY - how long will you have that job before you are downsized or outsourced? Keep telling it like it is with a dash of uplifting news whenever you can find it . . .
(Submitted by a Production Person)
RE: BoSacks Speaks Out: Finally Some Uplifting News From BoSacks
Bo, It must be an age thing. I am in the production side of the business and I love it. I am having the time of my life envisioning my company's future and great world of communication we are creating, right here, right now. I have 12 years of publishing background and I love the digital directions we are bound for. You are correct what's not to like?
(Submitted by a Production Director)
RE: BoSacks Speaks Out: Finally Some Uplifting News From BoSacks
Those that are purposely tuning you out for speaking the truth are no different than my 4 year old who plugs his ears each night when I tell him it's time for bed . He knows its bed time, and that it's inevitable that he put his pajamas on, brush his teeth and read books - but he figures if he tunes me out he can stay up and party a little longer. He's in a state of denial, as are publishers who think they can continue to do business the way they did 10 years ago.
Don't stop the truth. It will set us all free.
(Submitted by a Publisher)
RE: BoSacks Speaks Out: Finally Some Uplifting News From BoSacks
I have been in circulation for just over 6 years now, and have seen first hand how difficult it is for magazines. I feel lucky that early in my career I found your newsletter. Whenever I have changed magazines, I've always made sure to update my address with you so that I can be sure to keep the Bosacks coming! Although I have to admit that I don't read every article, every day, I always read the subject lines to see if I can glean something from the articles. BUT I have never skip an email because I thought of them as too negative. It's usually only due to time constraints.
I think you're right on the button with what you are saying here - and I just want to thank you for everything that you do! You're an inspiration to me.
Keep up the good work and don't let the negative naggies get you down. The other thing that I have found in my job is that nobody ever complains that you're doing too good a job and so sometimes these letters get seem out of proportion. I bet you'll get lots of comments similar to mine.
(Submitted by a Circulator)
Thursday, August 14, 2008
BoSacks Readers Speak Out: Magazine Measurement ,
BoSacks Readers Speak Out: Magazine Measurement ,
Magazine Profit, Manufacturing Woes
Re: Magazine Measurement: Right Direction, Wrong Speed
Ms. Frank lays out some important truths about the intrinsic value of magazines, truths you and I have discussed and analyzed and beaten to death for years. The problem, as I see it, with putting this truth to work for the mutual benefit of advertisers and publishers (and, not incidentally, printers) remains the same. Media buyers are entry level kids who know only what they know, which amounts to very little. They have grown up planted in front of a screen, being told everything else will pass away but the Internet will not pass away.
This results in media money poorly spent and clients ill served. And the fault lies neither with the inexperienced media buyers nor with magazines. The fault lies with upper management in the ad agency community who are too busy with the sexier, creative aspects of their agencies to rethink what actually helps to sell their clients to consumers. This amounts to nothing less than negligence and perhaps malfeasance.
As a legendary ad man said, "If it doesn't sell, it's not creative." One hopes that someone in agency management will remember this, use it to reinvent the lost art of effective media planning, and perhaps make his own legend in the process
(Submitted by a Printer)
Re: Discovering Real Magazine Profit in Sustainability
The future can't be paper bob, it has to be devices and downloads. 100 per cent sell through means no newsstands. I live in the burbs where optimum on line already delivers 90 per cent of the media that comes into my house via my local distributor cablevision. I am sure they would be happy to set up a digital newsstand for me and add it to my ever growing cable bill and even supply me the hardware to read it on in addition to the various modems and cable boxes they supply and service).
(Submitted by an Industry Supplier)
Re: The Classic Rock Magazine Is Switching to a Smaller, Rack-Friendly Size
That's a mistake. It will get lost on the newsstand. Size matters.
Submitted by an Unknown)
Re: Reading in Public Accounts for 45% of All Magazine Reading
Bob, just how many pages of a magazine does the patient in a Dr's or Dentist office actually get to see or read. Bet it is not more than 25%. Dentist office yoy do not take publication to the chair. Dr's office you might- Eye Dr's office you have to wait, and might see 50% of the full copy. Just do not agree with that survey. Unless someone is very EARLY for appointment your wait is usually under 10 minutes.
Submitted by a Publisher)
RE: PPA warns members against magazine sharing website
Oh, this is beautiful. It isn't enough that our industry is in the crapper. Now we are going to go after people WHO ACTUALLY WANT TO READ! Targeting file sharer's certainly worked for the RIAA and the music companies, didn't it?
Anyone think that file sharing can be a good thing? After all, it's eyeballs on our products. And since most of us are giving away our content on our sites, we should be looking at monetizing the peer to peer process.
Do advertisers care if readers are buying magazines vs downloading them for free versus controlled circ? It's not the method of transmission, it's the message!
Submitted by an Executive Director of Manufacturing)
Re: In my book, the Kindle is not a kindred spirit
Bo, I love your newsletter and I also love my Kindle. It doesn't replace reading books, it supplements them; just the way you often describe online reading supplementing newspapers and magazines.
When I have an interest in a subject, I can download sample chapters of several books from that niche for free. Then I can download the entire book I perceived
as the most valuable immediately, most of the time for only $9.99.
O.K., reading the kindle is not the same experience as reading the physical book, but there are many advantages I haven't discussed that make it a great informational tool, and it is now in my briefcase daily right next to my laptop computer.
Submitted by an Unknown)
RE: Facing Today's Woes
Ink? She wants me to get all concerned about ink prices going up? That's 4% of my print bill. (Not sure where you get 8% from Alex, unless you are running a 16-color,16-page form.) Ink could go up 50% and I would still be "unscathed" so bring it on you Printers! Raise my ink prices! Go ahead! Make my day! It's about time the cost of ink increased since the cost of oil has gone up 400% in less than a year. Most Printers have not passed on fuel surcharges, let alone the cost of ink so it's about time. Although some inks are soy based, most inks are still made from oil. (Gee Alex, why do you always make the Printers out to be the sneaky, underhanded, bad guys? Clearly, this ink increase is prompted by the greed of the oil companies and us self-absorbed Americans who can't stop driving our cars. Don't blame the Printers. It ain't their fault.)
P.S. "Keep your guns in their holsters?" I have purchased printing for 20+ years and I have never found it necessary to wear my holster--let alone bring my guns--for negotiating a printing contract. All my printers wear white hats.
Submitted by a Senior Manager, Production)
Re: BoSacks Speaks Out: Free Textbooks Coming Near You
Bottom line is you can't get something for nothing! Doesn't matter if it's
textbooks, music, magazine, etc. etc. Someone has to create the content!
(Submitted by a Printer)
RE: Magazine People - Arrive to Teach Ink-Stained Wretches a Thing or Two
Bob, This was a great bit. Since no one I know has a working crystal ball, I won't dare profess to know what could really save the newspaper industry. Maybe it just needs to implode, go niche and come back up as something no one has even thought of? Who knows? One thing I do know - as a former Times Mirror person - is that the LA Times has and has had such deep rooted problems, from mega-inflated budgets to a management hierarchy that would make Homeland Security look like a modern marvel of efficiency. Somehow they always pumped out great news despite themselves, but as a business it was a publishing tsunami. So people shouldn't get too bent out of shape about this cute little magazine diversion. In the scheme of things, it is just a bit of seaweed on Otis Chandlers' surfboard.
(Submitted by a Senior Sales person)
RE:IPDA Newsstand Forum.
Bob- Saw you published items from the August issue of IPDA Newsstand Forum. We're always glad to see you pick up and redistribute our articles.
However, as we explained, in this case, one article, "Putting A Rough First Half in Perspective," was not yet finalized when you picked it up from our site (we hadn't yet actually sent the August issue out to our email subscribers). Thanks for offering to publish the link into the Newsstand Forum site, for those who might be interested in reading that full article and other content in our August issue:
RE: The Numbers
Bo, A good one. My answer to all this cutting back of advertising is my wife, Judy and yours truly. We refuse to watch TV because of all the advertising glut. Nightly National Network news is so loaded with advertising, the actual news is incidental to the ads. Likewise, the PGA has allowed so much advertising, that the actual play is incidental to the ads. Exceptions to this are the Masters and British Open, both of which limit the amount of advertising so they are fun to watch because you get to see a lot of great golf.
I historically listened to WBBM radio out of Chicago because they built their reputation as the "all news radio station" Not anymore you cannot dial into that station without hitting an ad 80% of the time. As far as I am concerned they should change their moniker to "the all advertising news radio station". At least we can get the traffic and weather on the 8's, and sports at 15 after and 15 before the hour. what a shame.
The weather channel on cable has gone down the same path, where they used to have interesting topics inserted between weather news, has been replaced by ads. Same situation, the local weather news comes on the 8's. Do not dial in 3 minutes before the 8's because guess what , you are right, ads, sometimes 2 to 3 straight minutes of them.
The last survey we saw was well over 60% of TV viewers complained there are too many ads. Takes a few of the big guys like P&G and Johnson and Johnson to voice there displeasure with a medium and make cuts. Remember, P&G is the Pied Piper in the consumer products industry and the rest of the suppliers to consumers will take notice and follow suit.
(Submitted by a paper Person)
Magazine Profit, Manufacturing Woes
Re: Magazine Measurement: Right Direction, Wrong Speed
Ms. Frank lays out some important truths about the intrinsic value of magazines, truths you and I have discussed and analyzed and beaten to death for years. The problem, as I see it, with putting this truth to work for the mutual benefit of advertisers and publishers (and, not incidentally, printers) remains the same. Media buyers are entry level kids who know only what they know, which amounts to very little. They have grown up planted in front of a screen, being told everything else will pass away but the Internet will not pass away.
This results in media money poorly spent and clients ill served. And the fault lies neither with the inexperienced media buyers nor with magazines. The fault lies with upper management in the ad agency community who are too busy with the sexier, creative aspects of their agencies to rethink what actually helps to sell their clients to consumers. This amounts to nothing less than negligence and perhaps malfeasance.
As a legendary ad man said, "If it doesn't sell, it's not creative." One hopes that someone in agency management will remember this, use it to reinvent the lost art of effective media planning, and perhaps make his own legend in the process
(Submitted by a Printer)
Re: Discovering Real Magazine Profit in Sustainability
The future can't be paper bob, it has to be devices and downloads. 100 per cent sell through means no newsstands. I live in the burbs where optimum on line already delivers 90 per cent of the media that comes into my house via my local distributor cablevision. I am sure they would be happy to set up a digital newsstand for me and add it to my ever growing cable bill and even supply me the hardware to read it on in addition to the various modems and cable boxes they supply and service).
(Submitted by an Industry Supplier)
Re: The Classic Rock Magazine Is Switching to a Smaller, Rack-Friendly Size
That's a mistake. It will get lost on the newsstand. Size matters.
Submitted by an Unknown)
Re: Reading in Public Accounts for 45% of All Magazine Reading
Bob, just how many pages of a magazine does the patient in a Dr's or Dentist office actually get to see or read. Bet it is not more than 25%. Dentist office yoy do not take publication to the chair. Dr's office you might- Eye Dr's office you have to wait, and might see 50% of the full copy. Just do not agree with that survey. Unless someone is very EARLY for appointment your wait is usually under 10 minutes.
Submitted by a Publisher)
RE: PPA warns members against magazine sharing website
Oh, this is beautiful. It isn't enough that our industry is in the crapper. Now we are going to go after people WHO ACTUALLY WANT TO READ! Targeting file sharer's certainly worked for the RIAA and the music companies, didn't it?
Anyone think that file sharing can be a good thing? After all, it's eyeballs on our products. And since most of us are giving away our content on our sites, we should be looking at monetizing the peer to peer process.
Do advertisers care if readers are buying magazines vs downloading them for free versus controlled circ? It's not the method of transmission, it's the message!
Submitted by an Executive Director of Manufacturing)
Re: In my book, the Kindle is not a kindred spirit
Bo, I love your newsletter and I also love my Kindle. It doesn't replace reading books, it supplements them; just the way you often describe online reading supplementing newspapers and magazines.
When I have an interest in a subject, I can download sample chapters of several books from that niche for free. Then I can download the entire book I perceived
as the most valuable immediately, most of the time for only $9.99.
O.K., reading the kindle is not the same experience as reading the physical book, but there are many advantages I haven't discussed that make it a great informational tool, and it is now in my briefcase daily right next to my laptop computer.
Submitted by an Unknown)
RE: Facing Today's Woes
Ink? She wants me to get all concerned about ink prices going up? That's 4% of my print bill. (Not sure where you get 8% from Alex, unless you are running a 16-color,16-page form.) Ink could go up 50% and I would still be "unscathed" so bring it on you Printers! Raise my ink prices! Go ahead! Make my day! It's about time the cost of ink increased since the cost of oil has gone up 400% in less than a year. Most Printers have not passed on fuel surcharges, let alone the cost of ink so it's about time. Although some inks are soy based, most inks are still made from oil. (Gee Alex, why do you always make the Printers out to be the sneaky, underhanded, bad guys? Clearly, this ink increase is prompted by the greed of the oil companies and us self-absorbed Americans who can't stop driving our cars. Don't blame the Printers. It ain't their fault.)
P.S. "Keep your guns in their holsters?" I have purchased printing for 20+ years and I have never found it necessary to wear my holster--let alone bring my guns--for negotiating a printing contract. All my printers wear white hats.
Submitted by a Senior Manager, Production)
Re: BoSacks Speaks Out: Free Textbooks Coming Near You
Bottom line is you can't get something for nothing! Doesn't matter if it's
textbooks, music, magazine, etc. etc. Someone has to create the content!
(Submitted by a Printer)
RE: Magazine People - Arrive to Teach Ink-Stained Wretches a Thing or Two
Bob, This was a great bit. Since no one I know has a working crystal ball, I won't dare profess to know what could really save the newspaper industry. Maybe it just needs to implode, go niche and come back up as something no one has even thought of? Who knows? One thing I do know - as a former Times Mirror person - is that the LA Times has and has had such deep rooted problems, from mega-inflated budgets to a management hierarchy that would make Homeland Security look like a modern marvel of efficiency. Somehow they always pumped out great news despite themselves, but as a business it was a publishing tsunami. So people shouldn't get too bent out of shape about this cute little magazine diversion. In the scheme of things, it is just a bit of seaweed on Otis Chandlers' surfboard.
(Submitted by a Senior Sales person)
RE:IPDA Newsstand Forum.
Bob- Saw you published items from the August issue of IPDA Newsstand Forum. We're always glad to see you pick up and redistribute our articles.
However, as we explained, in this case, one article, "Putting A Rough First Half in Perspective," was not yet finalized when you picked it up from our site (we hadn't yet actually sent the August issue out to our email subscribers). Thanks for offering to publish the link into the Newsstand Forum site, for those who might be interested in reading that full article and other content in our August issue:
RE: The Numbers
Bo, A good one. My answer to all this cutting back of advertising is my wife, Judy and yours truly. We refuse to watch TV because of all the advertising glut. Nightly National Network news is so loaded with advertising, the actual news is incidental to the ads. Likewise, the PGA has allowed so much advertising, that the actual play is incidental to the ads. Exceptions to this are the Masters and British Open, both of which limit the amount of advertising so they are fun to watch because you get to see a lot of great golf.
I historically listened to WBBM radio out of Chicago because they built their reputation as the "all news radio station" Not anymore you cannot dial into that station without hitting an ad 80% of the time. As far as I am concerned they should change their moniker to "the all advertising news radio station". At least we can get the traffic and weather on the 8's, and sports at 15 after and 15 before the hour. what a shame.
The weather channel on cable has gone down the same path, where they used to have interesting topics inserted between weather news, has been replaced by ads. Same situation, the local weather news comes on the 8's. Do not dial in 3 minutes before the 8's because guess what , you are right, ads, sometimes 2 to 3 straight minutes of them.
The last survey we saw was well over 60% of TV viewers complained there are too many ads. Takes a few of the big guys like P&G and Johnson and Johnson to voice there displeasure with a medium and make cuts. Remember, P&G is the Pied Piper in the consumer products industry and the rest of the suppliers to consumers will take notice and follow suit.
(Submitted by a paper Person)
Sunday, August 10, 2008
BoSacks Readers Speak out: Kindle, News and Magazines
BoSacks Readers Speak out: Kindle, News and Magazines
Re: In my book, the Kindle is not a kindred spirit
"He says that paper's immutability means that: "The book you place on your nightstand as you drift off to sleep will be exactly the same book when you wake up in the morning." This comforts us. . . . "Every fifth book that my eyes wander over is not yet read. It is waiting for me to pick it up. Some would think this a terrible waste, but I take comfort in having books at the ready."
OK- perhaps the Kindle is not the perfection of the electronic read. But articles like this make me despair. I confess. I have thousands of books at my home. But I also now have a Kindle.
I look at the copy of the most recent War and Peace translation I purchased last year, and wish I had it on my Kindle instead- I might actually lift it up to read! (but perhaps not the book- although my chiropractor wishes I would!)
These "odes" to print are sounding more and more elitist and detached. Are we to say that those millions of people who can't afford a personal library are somehow diminished irrevocably? Those unfortunates who patronize libraries- where books are shared, not owned?
Come on- can we please get back to the content! Reading trash (not that there's anything wrong with that, if it's your thing) is reading trash, whether it's from dead trees on your nightstand, or anonymously bound into the black "faux-leather" Kindle cover, or on a computer monitor or blackberry. Get people reading, whatever the medium. Help these readers become critical readers. Make people want more, not less, well-written and researched content.
Delivery moves on, intelligence has to be nurtured . . . This is what should demand our attention!
Submitted by a Senior Circulator)
Re: In my book, the Kindle is not a kindred spirit
And why does the author not go back to a horse and buggy? In that way he will not "miss the pleasure" of feeding his conveyance real food in lieu of gasoline. Likewise, I would guess he wrote this piece using a computer. What's wrong with "the weight" of a typewriter? Does he bemoan the lack of a ribbon and ink and retyping an entire page simply because one word is incorrect? Come on. . . . there may (or may not) be many reasons not to want a Kindle, but his just seem specious!
Submitted by a Publishing CFO)
Re: In my book, the Kindle is not a kindred spirit
Bo,I love your newsletter and I also love my Kindle.
It doesn't replace reading books, it supplements them; just the way you often describe online reading supplementing newspapers and magazines. When I have an interest in a subject, I can download sample chapters of several books from that niche for free. Then I can download the entire book I perceive as the most valuable immediately, most of the time for only $9.99.
O.K., reading the kindle is not the same experience as reading the physical book, but there are many advantages I haven't discussed that make it a great informational tool, and it is now in my briefcase daily right next to my laptop computer.
(Submitted by an Unknown )
Re: In my book, the Kindle is not a kindred spirit
Bo: This guy needs to open his mind a little. Not one word of The Great Gatsby, or A Tale of Two Cities, or War and Peace will be different on a Kindle. I thought it was all about the words. Substance, not form. I'm getting my Kindle on Friday. I am looking forward to it for many reasons.
First, of all, it's something new. I'm proud of my middle-aged self for being willing to try it. From what I read, it does all the things that I do when I read books . . . write in margins, look up words in dictionary, etc.
Secondly, as an apartment dweller, I am always forced to get rid of books every so often, for simple lack of shelf space. The Kindle is perfect for that. I can archive a cyberspace library of books that I bought, without their having to be there. If I want to re-read Moby Dick ten years from now, I can, since it's mine already. The paperback Penguin Classics don't turn brown! Need I continue?
I'll let you know how I like it after I play around for a while.
(Submitted by a Senior Director of Manufacturing and former Co-Worker with BoSacks)
RE: I Read the News Today . . . Oh Boy
Eric Alterman is right to be concerned about the role of news and the future of our democracy, but he's got only part of the story. And Vartan Gregorian's "Idea" has been tried. The NY Times, USA Today and various local papers call it the "college readership program." Mainly it dumps newspapers on campuses and gets to count them as paid. But that's another story.
The other part of the story is in the place where the schools and the press used to meet. Once upon a time, each of the three newsweeklies had education programs where they sold classroom sets of magazines to teachers and supplied vast quantities of supplemental curriculum materials to held said teachers 1) bring current news into classrooms; 2) engage students with civic issues and 3) teach about the role of the press. Once upon a time over 700 newspapers in the U.S. had NIE programs (Newspaper in Education) that did the same thing on a local level. Time pulled out of the market three years ago. US News followed a year later. Newsweek folded its 50-year old education program in June. Many newspapers see NIE programs as luxuries they can't afford.
Granted, for the magazines and the newspapers, the programs were designed to boost circulation or support the rate base. But they did something else, too, which is get newspapers and news into kid's HANDS (literally) and helped further the cause of civic education in ways large and small by engaging kids with real issues.
It's now harder every day for teachers to do that. Yes, there are a couple of great online programs (NY Times Learning Network and Newshour Extra), but - and here's the other economically driven rub - civic engagement just isn't on the radar screen when it comes to what we expect of schools these days. That might surprise you, because most literate people have heard something somewhere about the connection between education and democracy, and they probably remember that the main reason for having public schools in this country in the first place was to produce an educated citizenry. No more. Today the sole purpose of education is preparing workers for the global economy. Look closely at No Child Left Behind, dozens of school reform movements or either of the presidential candidates' platforms and you'll have a hard time finding even a reference to social studies, news or civic education. In elementary schools, social studies has been essentially eliminated in favor of reading and math, and I've met many high school history and civics teachers who have been told that "all teachers are reading teachers" these days.
I'd like to think that all teachers are civics teachers, but I'm an old curmudgeon.
So there are two engines of democracy in trouble. Everyone is talking about the press, but no one seems to be talking about the schools in that light.
Re: The Production Traffic Cop
Bob - this article by Bob Wiemers is EXCELLENT. What a thorough, fair and balanced piece on the state of closing a magazine today. Every magazine, ad agency and client should be forced to read and comprehend the excellent points covered here. I have sent this to my clients for a thorough understanding of why, after 30 years, I am still a Traffic Cop above all else!!
(Submitted by a Senior industry Consultant)
Re: The Production Traffic Cop
"If we change this page on Friday, we'll have to track down all the trucks, buy some more paper, and print the whole thing again-but yes, it can be done."
Bob Wiemers
This story really hit home with me and I just had to share this "real life" experience with you. And yes, Bob Wiemers is correct, it can always be done . . .
I had scheduled my Aunt's move from her second floor, walk-up apartment in the city to a retirement community in the suburbs. One of our monthlies had gone to the Printer 8 days ago so I felt "safe" scheduling her move for this week. After all, the publication would be loaded on trucks today and put in the mail. What could possibly go wrong?
It was a scorching hot day in Chicago, the movers were packing in a flurry, and my Aunt was shuffling around on her walker saying. Wait, I want to look through those books before you pack them. Too late, into the box they went. My cell phone rings. It's my boss. I walk down to the landing between the first and second floors for better reception and she says:
We need to pull the story on page 3 of the issue.
Which issue?
The June issue.
But, we can't," I say. It's mailing today.
No they're not mailing it, she said. I called them and said not to mail it.
But it's printed already. It's too late.
Well isn't there someway that they can just tear out page 3 and put a new one in? (Now, this is my fault because I had done a "rip-and tip" on a book at our Annual Meeting when someone discovered the wrong author name on a Section Opener page. So I got out my glue stick, an exacto and a ruler, cut out the old page, and glued in a new one.)
No, there's no way that can be done. It's saddle stitched. And besides, it's 25,000 copies!
So if we need to pull that story, we'll have to reprint the entire issue?
Yes, that's right, I say. The entire issue will have to be printed again.
How much will that cost?
It will cost the same as if we printed a regular issue.
Well, we'll have to do that then. Find out how soon they can do it. Tell the Printer we need this done ASAP!
Can I ask what the problem is with the story? Why does it have to be pulled? Did we misspell our CEO's name again?
No, we got right this time, but the author's corrections for the story on page 3 did not get back in time. The author is furious! Since he is on the board we have to pull this story. We have no choice.
I don't understand . . . why didn't the writer call the author and say we're going to press, we need the changes today or we can't print the story?
Well he tried but the author never called him back.
And he couldn't have called him again? Don't we have rules about not publishing a story without the author's changes? What's the procedure for this?
You're right, this should have never happened. I know we have issues with this whole process.
But this always happens, I said. Editorial has ALL the time in the world to write this stuff. They have spell check, cycles and cycles of proofreading, and they still don't get it right! So now, when they screw things up, and we don't catch it before it's printed, we're gonna start pulling issues off the truck!
No, we are not making a habit of this. I have an idea, why don't you give this some thought and see what you can come up with.
Me? Give it some thought? I don't even need to think about it! It's real simple.
Number 1: Editorial must establish a process for writing and finalizing copy.
Number 2: Editorial must create an editorial schedule and meet every date on it.
Number 3: Editorial needs to understand that Production cannot fix everything.
Then I hear a crash from upstairs. I hear my Aunt yell, Mary! You'd better get up here.
(Submitted by a Senior Production Manager)
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