Sunday, November 4, 2007

BoSacks Readers Speak Out: This is Important

"Courage is doing what you're afraid to do. There can be no courage unless you're scared."
Edward Vernon Rickenbacker (American Pilot, Businessman and Aviator. 1890-1973)

BoSacks Readers Speak Out: This is Important

RE: BoSacks Speaks Out: This is Very Important
that was great! the biggest story of all is how small an organization you really need to create and deploy content today and tomorrow to what is becoming a global audience in the past, the only book that was global was the bible. today it's me in my pajamas pecking away at a keyboard with the words going around the world :)
these are marvelously disruptive times, with more turmoil and opportunity to come
(Submitted by an Industry Consultant)

RE: BoSacks Speaks Out: This is Very Important
Well said Bob. At the same time, we are in the process of purchasing a new, 8 wide, 64 page press capable of producing over 3/4 of a billion impressions of print volume per year. Mark my words, it will be full in less than three years time. Granted, we will be producing more catalog volume than in years past but there is still a solid business here for the efficient few that will remain standing.
Submitted by a Printer)

RE: BoSacks Speaks Out: This is Very Important
Heavy sigh. You are right. Even worse it's our own fault.
A big part of the problem is that we are the media. We are very good at disseminating information. And of late we are wallowing in self pity and many of us feel compelled to write about our sorry state and publicize our problems rather than do something tangible about them. Distributing the written word is what we do best after all.

The end result is this misery-loves-company mentality which is kind of like a circular reference that goes like this -

Things are bad, but they are worse for other publishers so I'm in good shape. The thing that really grabs me is the response to any new ideas - nobody else (a.k.a. The other publishers who are in worse shape) are doing that so it won't work, and it's a waste of time to try.
I'm sick of the whining and complaining. We all need to either pick up the ball and run hard and fast with it in different directions than we have been been leisurely strolling along for decades. Or move on and do something else. Putting our energy into this Things Are Bad and Things Are Going to Get Worse message is self defeating.

And that is a long winded way of saying you are right. I could have stopped after my first paragraph.
(Submitted by a Publisher)

RE: BoSacks Speaks Out: This is Very Important
I, for one, have been encouraged by the recent articles you found on the effectiveness of magazines as part of integrated ad campaigns.

Besides, as a writer, I need to know the various ways media companies are building their electronic outlets and rethinking their print products, and what their editors and business-side folks think about how people will digest content in the future, so that I am capable of creating content that works for their new models.

As for the production and distribution people in our business, I certainly feel for them. But not wanting to hear reality is not going to make them more secure. People should take stock of what their best individual traits and skills are, and figure out how they can be best used, even in other industries. Besides retirement, what other choice is there?
(Submitted by an Editor)

RE: BoSacks Speaks Out: This is Very Important
Amen, brother. You have it right on the nose. In B2B it's either adapt or become extinct. There is no other choice.
(Submitted by a Publisher)

RE: BoSacks Speaks Out: This is Very Important
Bo, even though I work for a separator, I've also come the conclusion that ink on paper is on its way to be diesel. Steve Jobs of Apple Inc. likes to say how he comes up with ideas just by walking around and with a kid's mentality envisions something that would be really cool. Well I've come up with an idea that would surpass e-paper. Flip down screen glasses that would be remoted from your phone where you could toggle back and forth from newspapers to magazines to books then also e-mails and downloaded movies. The ear-buds would come right on the glasses(easily changed of course). We would only need to flip up the glasses to speak to a person(conductor on the train), walk or drive. Think of how much paper we would save and still not have to carry around an e-book.
(Submitted by an Industry Supplier)

RE: BoSacks Speaks Out: This is Very Important

Bo, this reminds me of American Idol, you are Simon and this industry is William Hung. Tell me I am good even though I suck. I thank you for giving it to us straight even though you seem to have a digital slant on some of the topics. Hey that e-paper is 5 years away!! This is a crazy market right now with mills closing and consolidating and people loosing their jobs and now paper companies are yelling Yahoo!! as they raise their pricing way too fast thus killing their future demand. I forecast over the next few months a big reduction in catalogs and mailings and you will see magazines that were on the edge closing up shop. It would be nice to contemplate retiring from this business but I am not planning on it. A wise man once told me have a few good talents to fall back on and that is exactly what I am currently cultivating. I'm not planning on going anywhere but if my number comes up I will be ready. This is a crazy industry indeed but tell me how beautiful I look again.. . .
(Submitted by a Major Paper Buyer)

RE: BoSacks Speaks Out: This is Very Important
Bob - you do a great job bringing us all the news - good or bad - those with their heads in the sand are looking for good news in the wrong places.
(Submitted by an Industry Consultant)

RE: BoSacks Speaks Out: This is Very Important
Dude, you are on a roll! This is incredibly well-written.
And I love that there is no article attached -- just straight 'Bo' !
(Submitted by son of BoSacks)

RE: BoSacks Speaks Out: This is Very Important
I have heard that comment - about your negativity - from many sources over the years. Especially from vendors. Every now and then I agree with them. And I too was the head of McCall's manufacturing, before G+J hooked up the ROSIE and the rest is history. But in the end you are correct; the bad news is drowning out the good. If I find the good news, I will pass it on.
(Submitted by a Senior Production Director and Industry Icon)

RE: BoSacks Speaks Out: This is Very Important
Bo - If nothing else, and this would be an understatement, you are honest and direct. You are also absolutely correct about the direction of print, or better yet, communications coming out of print these days. Silicon may actually be a bit limiting though, and bits may be more accurate and then the output determined by the end user and their comfort level or technological capabilities.
(Submitted by an Industry Supplier)

RE: BoSacks Speaks Out: This is Very Important

Well said, Bob. We all get pulled down by the whirlpools of negativity and bad news, but some people can compartmentalize those feelings and still experience joy and pleasure in dealing with the "printed" word (choose your delivery medium please!).

Sadly the reward of single-minded devotion to a salary-paying job, rather than to a philosophy or skill-set, is turning yourself into an undesirable dinosaur. No one will reward you for keeping blinders on and "doing a good job"- you need to reward yourself through intellectual curiosity and the knowledge that you will always have new things to learn and contribute.

If depression and stress are all that accompany you in your work day, then you're doing the wrong job and need to re-invent yourself! (and develop a more well-rounded life)-someone who has
(Submitted an Industry Advisor)

RE: BoSacks Speaks Out: This is Very Important
I call you I-Bo : )
(submitted by a Printer)

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