BoSacks Readers Speak Out: LIFE Magazine and Good Editors
Re: BoSacks Speaks Out: LIFE Magazine Photo Archive
Yea, it was a damned good magazine.
When it folded in '72, that decided it, off to art school, to hell with photojournalism.
Little did I know I'd be working on the inaugural edition of the 'new' Life as a prod assist for Time Inc. in 1978 at the old RRD Prairie Ave. Dept. EG ('electronic graphics') office, trying to figure out with the rest of the team how to fast close gravure . . .
(Answer: print four colors sans text, rewind, and print a late text cylinder).
Why is that writers are always allowed to be late, but not photographers?
(Submitted by a CIO)
Re: BoSacks Speaks Out: LIFE Magazine Photo Archive
LIFE magzine was the best magazine ever was.
Iconic, simple, brilliant, moving, intoxicating, and cross generational. What else can be said?
(Submitted by a multi-title Publisher)
Re: Which Consumer Magazines are the Next to Fold?
There is something terribly morbid about guessing the death of magazines.
How about guessing what we media companies will do okay in a down economy?
(Submitted by a Printer)
RE: A Book in Need of a Good Editor
Losing editors also removes much of the pleasure of writing a book. Heaven knows it can be tedium, and there are few things as refreshing as calling your editor, addressing some point, and then just talking for a few minutes as though you were still a member of the human race and not an author locked away, most likely for the greater good.
(Submitted y a Writer)
RE: A Book in Need of a Good Editor
This is especially true today, when books have to compete for their slice of the entertainment pie. If they want to fill that gap in consumer's lives, they need to provide a product worth buying.
(Submitted by an Unknown)
RE: Flexible Displays Closer to Reality, Thanks to U.S. Army
Wonderful, but why must everything start with warfare?
(Submitted by a CEO)
Re: Opinion: Turning the Page
And then there was one! I sure hope that is not the future of our collective businesses. As we all try to reinvent ourselves and the economic bumble bursts once again, we have to believe there will be another trend or idea that we all want to have or be part of good fortune. It's hard to imagine right now what the next opportunity will be with all the bad news in the markets. But some how, some way, we will be lured into another great scheme that will give us hope and allow us to think that this will be the new economic model of good fortune.
The question should be asked, can the magazine become the comeback kid in a down market? I believe that the magazine will make a come back in this economic downturn. Heck, maybe this period of slow growth and raising unemployment will give way to the American people actually cutting back on excessive spending on the must have, but don't really need it products. The consumer might have to find ways to cut spending and take a look at their monthly expenditures. Maybe even electing to cut out cable or their internet service and look for other ways to receive information. Or possibly, they might find reading a magazine more entertaining then surfing the internet or trying to find something to watch on their 60" flat screen TV. Now is the time to promote the value of a magazine in its original format. Separate the high cost of cable or internet from the low cost portability of a magazine. Turn off your electronics and save money on your eclectic bill and reduce your carbon footprint. There are many ways to reinvent ourselves, but we need to all band together and move this very large rock up the hill. Focus on the consumer and market their needs in a changing environment. Heck, maybe the next great thing is right under our nose? As the financial commercial once said, "we make money the old fashion way, we earn it! Now there's a thought!
(Submitted by a Paper Person)
Re: BoSacks Speaks Out: While it is Bad, it is not 2000-2002 for Printers
Bob, In Terry Tevis's account of the "Perfect Storm" that exacerbated the print downturn of 2000-2002, he doesn't mention the seminal events of 9/11/01 as contributors to that storm. Everyone got scared - publishers hunkered down, consumers got more cautious in their buying habits and government focus turned hard toward anti-terrorism with the result that printers felt a direct downward impact.
(Submitted by a Printer)
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